- For students who will be living on campus in a University-owned and operated residence hall
- For students who will be living in off-campus (non-University owned) housing
- For students who have not yet secured housing
For students who will be living in a University-owned and operated Residence Hall
If you have secured on-campus housing, you may view your hall and room assignment and the information about your roommate on eLiving. Please check out What to Bring page and What to Buy After You Arrive page.
Please note that your housing contract with the University is a legally binding agreement, which means your housing and food fees are non-refundable, even if you do not want to stay within the University Housing.
You may move into your residence hall room any time after 8:00 a.m. on arrival day for the fall semester or spring semester.
Please note that if you arrive in Altoona earlier than arrival day, you will need to secure lodging in a local hotel until the residence halls open. Residence hall accommodations are for students only. Parents and additional family members will need to make hotel reservations if attending the International Student Orientation program. For Altoona hotel options, please visit the Lodging page.
Students living on-campus who are arriving on arrival day should first check-in at the Office of Student Affairs in Slep Student Center between 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. If arriving after 5:00 p.m., please email Global Programs at global-altoona@lists.psu.edu.
Access the campus map for the location of the residence halls. We recommend saving the campus map to your mobile device.
If you have questions regarding on-campus housing, please contact the Office of Housing and Food Services for assistance at housingAA@psu.edu or +1-814-949-5713.
For students who will be living in off-campus (non-University owned) housing
If you are living off-campus you will need to check with your landlord regarding the date you may move into your housing facility. You will still need to check-in at the Office of Student Affairs in 103 Slep Student Center between 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Please Note: if you need a letter confirming your participation in the International Student Orientation program for your off-campus landlord (if needed for early move-in), please contact the Office of Student Affairs at global-altoona@lists.psu.edu.
If you have yet to secure housing for the fall semester
You may access information regarding possible off-campus rental options on the Altoona Student Housing site. This site is run by the Central Pennsylvania Landlords Association. All properties listed on this site are off-campus housing and are not affiliated in any way with the University.
You may also access additional general information regarding living off-campus at Penn State Altoona.
Contact the Office of Student Affairs at 814-949-5219 or global-altoona@lists.psu.edu with questions you may have regarding off-campus housing options for international students at Penn State Altoona.